July. 2024: Workshop on writing research papers
A great opportunity to learn how to write research papers effectively through this workshop.
지도교수와 함께 하는 논문작성 워크샵을 담양 펜션에서 가졌습니다. 1박 2일 동안 많이 배우고, 맛있는 것도 많이 먹는 시간을 보냈죠.
May. 2024: Homecoming Day!

We had a great Homecoming Day with Lab Alumni (Bogyoung: Lotte Chem., Jinsu: Korong Industry, Sunghwan: GIST, SeungJun: Kukdo Chem.). Wishing everyone sucess in their carrier and hoping the lab continues to grow and thrive!
랩실 졸업생들과 처음으로 홈커밍 데이를 했습니다. 롯데케미칼 김보경, 코오롱인더스트리 하진수, 국도화학 김승준, GIST 김성환 졸업생이 방문하여 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다! 학생들 모두 좋은 곳에서 자리잡기를!
May. 2024: Let's go hiking!

Our group members went hiking on Mudeung mountain in Gwangju!
무등산 등반! (without me)
May. 2024: Tasting Contest! Who's going to win?

We had a tasting content with Diet Coke, Coke, Diet Sprite, and Sprite. Can you guess who won the contest? (I could tell only the difference between Coke and Sprite, but not between Diet and regular ones).
콜라와 스프라이트 미각 대회!
May. 2024: Teacher's Day!

Thank you all of you for the surprise cake on Teacher's day! I truly appreciate it.
스승의 날에 깜짝 케익을 준비해 준 랩실 학생들에게 감사합니다!
Feb. 2024: Yeeun received an award for talented invididuals!
Yeeun Song, Ph.D. candidate, received an award given to talented individuals from JNU graduate student support center. Congraulations!
송예은 박사과정생이 대학원 인재상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다!
Jan. 2024: Joint International Capstone design project
Mirae and Junyoung has visited Taiwan for a joint international capstone design project. They enjoyed their capstone design in Taiwan.
우리 랩 학부연구생 차미래, 정준영 학생이 국제 캡스톤디자인 과제를 수행하기 위해 대만에 다녀왔습니다.
Jan. 2024: 17th International Workshop for Young East Asian Rheologists
Haneum embarked on a journey to Germany to participate in an ICT internship program. During her visit, shre toured Drexel university and gained insights into the latest developments in ICT fibers.
한-중-일-태국 4개국이 함께 하는 IWEAYR 에 송예은, 전은서 학생이 참여했습니다.
Jan. 2024: Intership program in Germany

Haneum embarked on a journey to Germany to participate in an ICT internship program. During her visit, shre toured Drexel university and gained insights into the latest developments in ICT fibers.
ICT융합섬유인력양성의 일환으로 김한음 학생이 독일에 단기 연수를 다녀왔습니다
A year-end celebration

A year-end celebration was held at an Outback streakhouse.
Yeeun, Eunseo, Haneum, Garim, and Youngho were duly recongnized for their significant contributions to the lab services!
2023년도 송년회를 아웃백에서! 한 해 결산으로 랩 서비스를 충실히 한 예은, 은서, 한음, 가림, 영호에게 시상을 하겠습니다!
2023. Dec. Birthday cake
![[포맷변환]KakaoTalk_20231211_162650369 (1).jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/ef245c_bca1cb40cdfd47c6bd21a7e6fb70b8c2~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_0,y_442,w_4032,h_2016/fill/w_916,h_458,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/%5B%ED%8F%AC%EB%A7%B7%EB%B3%80%ED%99%98%5DKakaoTalk_20231211_162650369%20(1).jpg)
Happy birthday to Doojin and Haneum! We appreciate the cake adorned with lettering
생일 축하!
2023. Nov. Yangyul's visit to OIST in Okinawa

Yangyul has arrived at OIST in Okinawa, Japan and will spend five months for a collaboration with Prof. Amy Shen's group. We wish he has a good experince and wonderful work at OIST.
우리 랩 박사과정생 주양율 학생이 공동연구 위해 일본 OIST 에 무사히 도착했습니다.
일본에 있는 동안 좋은 연구 하기를!
2023. Nov. Yangyul's visit to Japan for collaboration at OIST

Yangyul will fly to Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) in Japan for collaboration with Prof. Amy Shen. Good luck with you! 주양율 박사과정생이 Amy Shen 교수와의 공동연구를 위해 5개월 간 일본 OIST에 방문합니다!

June 2023 : Farewell party for Bogyoung
Bogyoung will soon receive her Master degree of Materials and Science, and leave for her new job! We will miss you!
우리 랩에서 석사과정을 마친 김보경 학생이 곧 회사로 떠날 예정입니다!
조기 취업을 축하합니다!
May 2023 : KIA - KT baseball game!
KIA baseball team won
KIA - KT 야구경기 관람! KIA 승!!

April 2023 : Congratulations on your award winning
Yangyul and Eunseo have been recognized with awards from the rheology and fiber societies! Additionally, they have achieved great success with their UCC project in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the fiber engineering society. Congrats!
주양율 학생, 전은서 학생이 유변학회와 섬유공학회에서 수상을! 섬유공학회 60주년 기념 UCC 공모전에서 최우수상 연달아 수상을!

16th IWYEAR in Thailand
태국 동아시아 유변학자 워크샵에 다녀왔습니다

Feb 2023 : BK21 workshop and time to ski!
Time to ski at Muju resort! It was a good day filled with exercise, workshop, and memories.
무주에서의 BK 워크샵과 스키를 동시에 즐기고 왔습니다!

Jan 2023 : Eunseo's intership to Kifu University
Eunseo has left to Kifu University in Japan for international internship program and has safely come back! she learned a basic skill for chemical synthesis.
은서 학생이 일본의 기후대학 합성랩에 인턴십을 다녀왔습니다. 현재 연구 중인 고분자 브러쉬 연구에 도움이 되길!

Dec 2022 : Congratulations on your award winning
Haneum&Euneo have received Capstone design award, and Yangyul and Byungwook have received poster award at the conferences. Congratulations!
김한음과 전은서 학생이 캡스톤디자인에서 수상을, 주양율과 윤병욱이 학회에서 우수포스터상을 수상했습니다. 축하!
Sep. 2022 : Group photo
Garim Kim has joined our lab as an intern. She will conduct multifunctional nanomaterials synthesis for biosensors.
김가림 학생이 학부연구생으로 연구실에 조인했습니다!
앞으로 바이오센서용 나노소재를 개발할 계획입니다.

Aug 2022 : Welcome Yang-Yul and Yeeun's short visit to UK
Yang-Yul joined our lab as a Ph.D. candidate. Welcome!
Another news, Yeeun will visit UK for collaboration. Wish her all the best!
주양율 학생이 박사과정으로 들어왔습니다! 그리고, 예은 학생은 영국으로 공동 연구하러 잠시 떠납니다!

Aug. 2022 : Group photo
Yangyul has joined before Yeeun leaves for her collaboration in UK. All member s gathered and took self-photo!
송예은 학생이 영국으로 공동연구 가기 전에 모두 다 모여서 한 컷!

June 2022 : Scholarship and awards received!
Yeeun and Bogyoung have received student awards at the conference of composite society! Congratulations!
예은과 보경 학생이 한국복합재료학회에서 최우수발표상과 도초우수발표상을 수상했습니다. 축하합니다!
Feb. 2022 : Graduation day!
Warmest congratulations on Jinsu, Bogyoung, and Byungwook's graduation!
진수의 석사 졸업과 취업(코오롱인더스트리), 보경과 병욱의 학사 졸업을 축하합니다!

Jan 2022 : Scholarship and awards received!
Jinsu, Yeeun , and Bogyoung have received scholarship and awards!.Congratulations!
진수, 예은, 보경 학생 모두 장학금과 학술상을 받았습니다. 축하합니다!
Oct. & Nov. 2021 : Fall conference of Polymer society
We attended the fall conference of polymer society held in Gyungju, and workshop at Byunsan province.

July 2021 : The society of composite materials awards
Again! Yeeun song received award from the society of composite materials. Congratulations!
예은 학생이 복합재료학회에서 도초학술기념상을 받았습니다. 축하합니다!
June 2021 : Lunch meeting
We now could officially meet more than eight person for the first time this year against COVID-19, and had a great lunch together.

May 2021 : MACRO2020 & Rheology conference awards
Jinsu Ha and Yeeun song have received the awards in MACRO2020 and Rheology conferences. Congratulations!
진수 학생과 예은 학생이 MACRO2020 과 유변학회에서 각각 상을 받았습니다. 축하합니다!
May 2021 : We joined MACRO 2020 conference in Jeju.
We joined MACRO2020 conference held in Jeju. Yeeun and Jinsu have presented their works during the conference.
제주도에서 열린 MACRO2020 학회에 실험실에서 참가해서 예은과 진수 학생은 현재 수행 중인 연구에 대해 발표를 했습니다.
April 2021 : Hyunwoo Kim joined as a research intern
Hyunwoo Kim has joined our lab as a research intern (M.S. candidate) starting from 2021 Spring. He will conduct his experiment on battery slurries.
김현우학생이 4월부터 인턴(석사 Candidate)으로 참여했습니다. 배터리 슬러리의 제작에 대한 연구를 진행할 예정입니다. 앞으로 좋은 연구 하기를!

April 2021 : Byoung-wook Yoon joined as a research intern (M.S. candidate)
Byoung-wook Yoon has joined our lab as a research intern (M.S. candidate) starting from 2021 April. He will conduct his experiment on super-strong SiC fibers . Wish him to enjoy our lab.
윤병욱학생이 4월부터 인턴(석사 Candidate)으로 참여했습니다. 국방용 섬유인 초고강도 SiC 섬유 제작에 대한 연구를 진행할 예정입니다. 좋은 경험 쌓기를!

Janunary 2021: Bogyoung Kim (M.S. candidate) joined as a research intern
Bogyoung Kim has joined our lab as a research intern (M.S. candidate) starting from 2021 January. She will fabricate microfluidic devices for measuring liquid slip. Wish her to enjoy our lab.
김보경학생이 1월부터 인턴(MS candiate)으로 참여했습니다. 미세유체소자를 제작하고 계면에서 발생하는 물리적 현상에 대한 연구를 진행할 예정입니다. 좋은 경험 쌓기를!

20200720 Welcome Seunghwan & Yeonwoo
We welcome Yeonwoo and Seunghwan for joining us. Yeonwoo is a new technician for 6 months who will be in charge of maintaining facilities, and Seunghwan will do his internship in our lab.
연우 학생은 6개월 간 랩 테크니션으로, 성환 학생은 인턴으로 우리 실험실에 합류하였습니다. 환영합니다!

20200220 Congratulations on Suyeon's graduation
Suyeon has received her Master degree in 2020 Feb. Congratulations on her completion of 2 year Master course. She is now at Pusan University to start her Ph.D course. Wish her all the best.
첫 제자인 이수연 학생이 석사 과정을 마쳤습니다. 축하합니다! 이수연 학생은 부산대에서 박사과정을 진행할 계획입니다. 언제나 좋은 소식 있기를!

20200421 Seungjun joined as a research intern
Seungjun Lee has joined our lab as a research intern starting from 2020 April. He will conduct the fabrication of microfluidic channels and fluid rheology. Wish him to enjoy our lab.
승준학생이 4월부터 인턴으로 참여했습니다. 마이크로채널제작과 유체 유변에 대한 연구를 진행할 예정입니다. 좋은 경험이 되기를.

20200217 Tea time on a snowing day
So beautiful moment, never missed to take a photo outside after tea time on a snowing day. Wish them to enjoy their life and beautiful moment we may miss without noticing it.
눈 오는 날 티타임 하며 그룹 사진을 찍었습니다. 즐거운 시간을 항상 즐기기를 바랍니다. (그래도 노는 것보다는 연구를 훨씬 더 많이 합니다 :))
15th International Workshop of East Asia Young Rheologist
We attended the 15th International Workshop on East Asian Young Rheologist held in China. Yangyul and Yeeun presented their research and poster. Please watch the video clip how they really enjoyed the workshop.
동아시아 유변학연구자워크샵에 참가했습니다. 주양율과 송예은 학생이 3D printing 에 대한 연구 결과를 발표했습니다. 처음으로 참여하는 국제워크샵에서 즐거운 시간 가졌기를!
20191227 Welcoming Jinsu & New year's dinner
We had dinner at Dongmyung-dong, welcoming Jinsu Ha and celebrating the year-end. Wish everything goes well with all of you next year!
우리 연구실에 하진수 학생이 새로 조인했습니다. 한 해를 마무리하며 동명동에서 식사도 함께! 내년에도 모두 바라는 일들이 이루어지길!!

15th International Workshop of East Asia Young Rheologist
We will be attending the "15th International Workshop of East Asia Young Rheologist (IWEAR15)" held in China early next year (8 Jan 2020).
Feel free to join us as a research intern to experience 3D printings, and get the chance to attend this international conference.
동아시아 유변학연구자워크샵이 내년 초에 중국에서 있습니다. 우리 연구실에서 인턴을 수행하며 3D 프린팅에 대한 경험을 쌓고 함께 해외학회에 참여할 학생은 연구실로 문의하세요.

20191126 Lunch meeting
We had a pleasant lunchtime with a newly joined intern, Yeeun Song. Hope she will enjoy her experience in our lab.
연구실에 인턴으로 송예은 학생이 조인했습니다. 좋은 연구 경험 쌓기를~!

2019 Fall Conference - The Polymer Society of Korea at Jeju Island
Our master degree candidate, Yangyul Ju, attended the fall conference of the polymer society of Korea held in Jeju island. He presented his work about ceramic-based 3D printing materials at the poster session. Always wish good luck to him for his work.
우리 연구실에서 추계 고분자학회에 참여하였습니다. 주양율 학생은 Ceramic-based 3D printing materials and rheological characterization 에 대한 포스터 발표를 했습니다. 앞으로도 좋은 연구하기를~!